Legal Mentions

Legal Mentions

The site is owned by TRÉDI ARGENTINA S.A, a closed corporation, registered in the commercial register under number 5284, book 117, Volume A whose headquarters are:

Montevideo 456

  10th Floor

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

As Vice President, responsible for publishing the portal is Mr. Marcela Gulla.

Technical and Graphic Designs:

Staff Creativa

Conde de la  Monclova 282

San Isidro, Lima – San Isidro, Peru

The site is hosted by:


35 rue du Grand Puits

79230 Vouille – France


User Commitment:

The elements that constitute the site and are developed by the TRÉDI ARGENTINA S.A group and are the property of TRÉDI ARGENTINA S.A.

They are protected by copyright law, trademark law, design rights and unfair competition.

Copies of the documents contained in the page can only be used as information and are exclusively for private use. The site and each of the elements that contain it such as brands, texts, graphs maps, illustrations, logos, corporate names, conclusions, photographs are the exclusive property of TRÉDI ARGENTINA S.A or of the affiliated companies.

No license and right other than to consult the site is granted to anyone with respect to intellectual property rights.

The reproduction of the documents is only authorized for exclusive purposes for personal and private use; any reproduction or use of these for other purposes is strictly prohibited.

They cannot be used without the prior written permission of TRÉDI ARGENTINA S.A.

In any case, and subject to the foregoing, the source (TRÉDI ARGENTINA S.A and / or its affiliates) must be clearly indicated.

Any person who does not respect the legal terms applied will be guilty of the crime of forgery and is subject to criminal penalties provided by law.

Each user of the site that delivers information to TRÉDI ARGENTINA S.A through this means grants them all transferable rights related to this information and authorizes TRÉDI ARGENTINA S.A to make the desired use. The information provided by visitors will be considered non-confidential and must be accurate, legal and not prejudicial for the interests of third parties.

Also, in accordance with the law of January 6, 1978, the visitor has the right to object, access and rectify the personal data that he could have provided regarding the files and freedoms in its modified version. This right can be exercised at any time by sending a letter to the following address:


Montevideo 456

 10º Piso

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The modification or elimination will be done as soon as possible.


TRÉDI ARGENTINA S.A group excludes all types of guarantees (quality assurance, suitability for a particular purpose, ownership and non-infringement), whatever the content of the site.

In turn, it excludes all liability with respect to damages (direct, indirect, complementary, special or sanctioning) as a result of the use of the site, property of TRÉDI ARGENTINA S.A.


Once in the site, a “user session” cookie could be automatically installed and stored temporarily on your hard drive to facilitate navigation. The cookie will be destroyed once the section is closed. This is a small folder of information that the website saves on the computer to facilitate navigation and optimize the registration process.

It does not allow to identify the user. If you wish, there is the possibility of not generating the registration of these cookies by configuring your browser. This operation is likely to modify or even hinder your navigation on the website.

If this is the case, you can refuse to install these cookies by following the steps of your browser (see below the process to follow), according to the process that is most convenient for you. It is possible to modify it whenever you wish.

On the other hand, to analyze your preference, subject to your approval, it is possible to generate web bookmarks in our articles that help and identify the pages visited, monitor the number of visits and the frequency of visits, analyze traffic patterns and collect statistics . 

After your access, subject to your consent, third parties may install cookies on your hard drive to help identify the most viewed content.

The process to reject the installation of these cookies are the following, in accordance with the terms that best suits you:

For Mozilla Firefox:

1. Select the “TOOLS” menu, then “OPTIONS”

2. Click on “PRIVACY”

3. Locate the “COOKIES” menu and select the options that suit you.

For Microsoft Internet Explorer:

1. Select the “TOOLS” menu, then “INTERNET OPTIONS”

2. Click on “PRIVACY”

3. Select the level you want.

For Chrome:

1. Go to the Chrome menu / Preferences


3. Click on “CONTENT CONFIGURATION…” in the Privacy section


5. Click on “DELETE EVERYTHING” and validate by clicking on “ACCEPT”

For Safari:

1. Go to the Safari / Preferences menu and click on “Privacy”


To know the options delivered for another type of browser, the CNIL details the steps to follow to limit your traces on the web, processes or to set cookies.

You can change your choice at any time.